Student Groups

Asian Cities
Driven by convergent and disparate forces of governance and capital markets, the contemporary Asian city represents new models that differ from those in the Anglo-American or European planning traditions. Beyond a site of engagement with capitalism or postcolonialism, Asian cities are nodes of specific local, regional, and national articulations in the pursuit of globality. The […]

Latin American Cities
Latin American Cities Working Group is a space for fostering collaborative discussions about Latin American cities—how they have been constructed, transformed, and imagined. Our meetings include presentations of ongoing researches across campus on issues related to urban spaces, practices, and planning in Latin America, as well as lectures by invited speakers and discussion sessions based […]

Urban Dynamics
The Urban Dynamics Group is a collaborative and interdisciplinary group to investigate the dynamic forces surrounding life, death, and renewal in the city. As researchers within the fields of the social sciences, the humanities, and of the world, how can we come to apprehend a society that is in unceasing transformation and constant motion? What theoretical […]