Faisal Almogren
City and Regional Planning
Middle East cities, urbanism, political theory, regional planning, urban form, Riyadh
Alli Appelbaum
City and Regional Planning
Comparative urban studies, governance, security, urban theory, middle-class urbanism, densification, urban history, African urbanisms
Laura Belik
Uses of the street, politics of space, Latin America, urban democracy, commons
Juan Caicedo
Civil & Environmental Engineering
Behavioral modeling, data science, Latin American cities, and causal inference
Gustavo Capela
Nigeria, citizenship, transnational displacement, resistance, maroonage
Chris Chan
China, urbanization, digitalization, anthropology of cities, contemporary art, infrastructures
Joyce Jiayu Chen
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Autonomous Systems, transportation network, and optimization
Priscila Coli
City and Regional Planning
Peripheral urbanization, governance, land tenure, public infrastructure, citizenship, right to the city, Global South
Tahir de Noronha
City and Regional Planning
Planning Law, Real Estate, Zoning, Property, and Public Participation
Adrienne Dodd
Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning
climate change, natural hazards, climate displacement, just climate adaptation and resilience
Salma Elmallah
Energy and Resources Group
Energy infrastructure, housing, urban analytics, city planning, governance
Matt Falcone
Civil and Environmental Engineering
environmental fluid mechanics, climate change adaptation, coastal resiliency, nature-based solutions, infrastructure
Pol Fité Matamoros
Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning
Critical Urban Theory, Geographical Political Economy, Industrial Restructuring, Authoritarian Regimes, History of Landscape and Urban Form
Joseph Greenbaum
Political Science
Political economy, waste, toxicity, food, East & Central Africa
Justin Greene
Noise, poetry and poetics, urban infrastructures, affect, discourses of health and hygiene, citizenship, Brazil
Carlos Guirado
Civil & Environmental Engineering
behavioral modeling, agent-based models, causal inference, econometrics, machine learning, demand forecasting
Cheng-Kai Hsu
City and Regional Planning
Micromobility, public health, environmental exposure, mobile sensing
Bavisha Kalyan
Civil & Environmental Engineering
Environmental engineering, development engineering, water infrastructure & machine learning, lead contamination, water treatment technologies
Yanin Kramsky
City and Regional Planning
spatial politics, climate justice, community-based participatory research, urban ecology, water resources
Pranav Kuttaiah
City & Regional Planning
Migration, Citizenship, Democracy, Political Economy, Caste, Race, Critical Geography, Science and Technology Studies
Andrea Lara Garcia
Borders, political economy, uneven development, urbanization
Sarah Lee
The Central Valley, urban history, the history of policing, racial capitalism, uneven development, agroburbs
Flávia Leite
City & Regional Planning
Land and housing policy, housing financialization, access to credit, Latin America
Meiqing Li
City and Regional Planning
Sustainable transportation, Asian cities, travel behavior modeling, urban spatial analytics
Ameen Lotfi
Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management
Food sovereignty, Indigenous ecologies, ethnobotanical restoration, rural-urban dynamics
Jonathan Marty
City and Regional Planning
Housing, public space, urban governance, public/social housing, urban politics, violence and policing, urban history and theory, the city in literature and film.
Brenda Mathias
Social Welfare
Neighborhood effects, urban spaces, participatory action research, community building, youth
Beki McElvain
City and Regional Planning
Disaster governance, development finance, knowledge politics, Mexico City
Jill Moraski
Energy and Resources Group
Electricity markets and regulation, energy infrastructure, climate resilience and adaptation, grid decarbonization
Coral Murphy Marcos
Spanish and Portuguese
Latin American literature, literary journalism, crónicas, democratization of public spaces, and citizen journalism
Alexandra Pan
Civil & Environmental Engineering
transportation equity, shared mobility, spatial mismatch
Catherine Park
Global education, cultural politics of education, migration, displacement, urbanization, urban ethnography, China, East Asia
Madeleine Parker
City and Regional Planning
Transportation equity, urban mobility, climate change adaptation, resilience planning, affordable housing
Isabel Qi
City and Regional Planning
Climate change adaptation, environmental planning, urban climate governance, political economy, China studies
Juleon Robinson
Black Geographies, Urban Political Economy, Dispossession & Displacement, Housing Justice, Prison-Industrial Complex Abolition, New York City
Ángel Ross
Suburban and exurban poverty, housing, renters, local governance and policing
Ettore Santi
Urbanization, ecological modernization, human–nature–technology relations, architecture as infrastructure, China urban-rural interface
Laura Schmahmann
City and Regional Planning
urban economics, geography of innovation, employment lands, gentrification and displacement, property markets
Nick Shatan
City & Regional Planning
Cooperatives, community development, race, finance, US housing policy, urban history, politics of knowledge and participation.
Taesoo Song
City and Regional Planning
Housing Policy, Gentrification, Displacement, Eviction, Neighborhood Changes, Migration
Francisco Trejo Morales
Affordable Housing, Urban Theory, Anthropology of Mexico, Social Theory, Urban Ethnography
Michael Virtucio
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Transportation networks, agent based modeling, disaster resilience, public transportation
Derek Wu
Ethnic Studies
Religion, Race, Neighborhoods, Social Services
Liubing Xie
City and Regional Planning
Comparative urban studies, urban history, urban ethnography, peripheral urbanization, urban governance, China, India
Megumi Yamanaka
City and Regional Planning
Urban mobility, Bus Rapid Transit, public transport, land use, non-motorized modes, planning, design, policy
Frank Yao
Landscape Architecture and Enviornmental Planning
China Studies, National Territorial Landscape, Environmental History, Belt and Road Initiatives BRI, Urban History, Design History, Urban Morphology, Urban History, Urban Design, Landscape Infrastructure, waterways, and canals
Leyi (Joy) Zhou
Social Welfare
geriatric social work, community service delivery, smart community, digital inclusion; qualitative and mixed methods, community-based participatory research, co-design approach